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Gwyneth Paltrow's PSA: Help Fight AIDS!

Gwyneth Paltrow's PSA: Help Fight AIDS!

Gwyneth Paltrow filmed a public service announcement (PSA) for UNICEF to help raise money to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

The Gift is a dramatization of a new poem by Simon Armitage, narrated by actress Gwyneth. Watch the video at UNICEF.

“According to UNICEF, a baby is born with HIV almost every minute of every day somewhere in the world. The virus is passed from mother to child during the birth or pregnancy,” Gwyneth said during the film launch. “I have just found out that this can be prevented for less than $2 yet very few women in the poorer countries of the world can get the medicine they need to ensure their baby is born free from HIV. I hope that this new short film will raise awareness and funds about this issue and UNICEF will be able to reach every woman with the vital care and medicines they need.”

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