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Reese Witherspoon @ Regis & Kelly

Reese Witherspoon @ Regis & Kelly

Penelope star and producer Reese Witherspoon stopped by Live with Regis and Kelly! on Wednesday morning. She talked about her latest film, Penelope, and her new costar Vince Vaughn in the film Four Christmases.

“We’re such a funny couple,” Reese laughed. “He’s 6’5″, I’m 5’2″. It’s going to be really funny. I’m a producer and he’s a producer, so we boss each other around. Mondays I get to be the boss and Tuesdays he’s the boss.”

As a producer, Reese has to keep the crew happy. And how does she do that? Feed them well!

“Mainly what I do is organize the snacks,” Reese admitted. “I’m not joking actually because I need to make sure everybody has a lot of snacks. The key to having a happy crew is feeding them lots of coffee. Good coffee and I have the ice cream truck come on Fridays.”

Ice cream!!!! That’s key.

Watch Resse on Regis & Kelly here.

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