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Celebrities React to Betsy DeVos' Confirmation as Education Secretary

Celebrities React to Betsy DeVos' Confirmation as Education Secretary

Betsy DeVos was confirmed as the next Secretary of Education for the United States after a tie-breaking vote came from Vice President Mike Pence.

Ms. DeVos has experience with charter schools and vouchers, but has very limited experience with public school education, and this has been a knock on her resume with many citizens. She also has no experience with student loans as she has never taken one out. Many are concerned about her wealthy background as well, wondering if this job could be a conflict of interest. She made headlines when asked about if students should have guns in the classroom – her answer cited that students may need weapons for grizzly bear protection.

Since her confirmation today, celebrities have been taking to Twitter to react to the nomination.

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Betsy DeVos