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30 Rock's Maulik Pancholy Quits Presidential Advisory Commission Due to Donald Trump

30 Rock's Maulik Pancholy Quits Presidential Advisory Commission Due to Donald Trump

Maulik Pancholy has decided he can no longer work with President Donald Trump.

It’s not just him, either – the 43-year-old 30 Rock actor is one of 10 other members of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to resign because of disagreement with Trump‘s policies.

The members explained their actions in a joint letter.

“We can no longer serve a President whose policies aim to create outcomes that are diametrically opposed to our principles, goals, and charge,” the letter reads. “Since your Inauguration, the Executive Orders you have issued and policies you have promulgated have greatly impeded the ability of the federal government to serve all who live here.”

Maulik was first seated on the commission by former president Barack Obama and was supposed to stay until September.

Click inside to read Maulik’s personal open letter of resignation…

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