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Diana Silvers Is Giving Credit to Octavia Spencer For Her Role in 'Ma'

Diana Silvers Is Giving Credit to Octavia Spencer For Her Role in 'Ma'

Diana Silvers picks up a cool drink while out in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon (June 6).

The 21-year-old actress wore a cute bow in her hair while running a few errands around town.

In a new interview, Diana gave credit for her getting her role in Ma all to star Octavia Spencer.

Octavia actually called her agents at WME and declared they simply had to sign the up-and-coming star for the movie.

“At the [Ma] premiere party, I walked up to Octavia and was like ‘You have no idea how grateful I am that you gave me this opportunity, and that you fought [on my behalf],’” Diana shared. “She kept saying ‘You earned it.’”

She added, “But she took a chance on someone who had not done anything before. She’s someone I admire and respect, and I hope that one day I do that for someone else if I’m in that position.”

Both of Diana‘s new movies, Ma and Booksmart, are both out in theaters NOW.

Psst, did you see Diana Silversgorgeous dress at the premiere for Ma?!

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