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The Oldest Members of Congress Revealed: 19 of 535 Senators & Congresspeople Are Over 80, With One Surpassing 90


20. Senator Ben Cardin

Age: 79
Birthday: October 5, 1943
How Long They’ve Served: Since 2007
Political Party: Democrat
Body of Congress: Senate


19. Representative Virginia Foxx

Age: 80
Birthday: June 29, 1943
How Long They’ve Served: Since 2005
Political Party: Republican
Body of Congress: House of Representatives


18. Senator Jim Risch

Age: 80
Birthday: May 3, 1943
How Long They’ve Served: Since 2009
Political Party: Republican
Body of Congress: Senate


17. Representative Rosa DeLauro

Age: 80
Birthday: March 2, 1943
How Long They’ve Served: Since 1991
Political Party: Democrat
Body of Congress: House of Representatives


16. Representative Kay Granger

Age: 80
Birthday: January 3, 1943
How Long They’ve Served: Since 1997
Political Party: Republican
Body of Congress: House of Representatives

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: EG, evergreen, Extended, Politics, Slideshow