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Azealia Banks Calls Lady Gaga Racist, Says She's Tempted to Leak Old Text Messages

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“Ngl, I’m actually REALLY excited for Pink Friday 2. Nicki is just soo00000000000000000 good at crafting and creating that TRULY iconic and TRULY global Female Rapper Popstar Product,” she began.

“My music is great but a lot of it is SUPER self indulgent and a bit too nuanced for the average music listener, But a big part of what made Nicki‘s debut & marketing strategy so genius early on was her ability to somehow disarm a larger part of this neo-white hive minded digital society of the scorn, disgust and generally low social status/importance usually assigned to the female rapper archetype and combine humor and theater to cement herself in the minds of the last two decades worth of new humans at arguably the most fundamental and foundational parts of their lives: their childhoods,” she went on.

“Someone’s gotta write the scholarly thinkpiece outlining how geniusly Freudian Pink Friday and her ascension to massive stardom was. From a commercial standpoint, Nicki Minaj is a marketing maverick. And still has some of the best pop hits of the last 15 years. Seeing her dominate in a space usually protected for unspectacular young white women who remind the masses of unspectacular older white women of the *teeeeeny* bit of pizazz they had when they were young was and it was normal and socially encouraged to shroud themselves in ignorance and navigate life with a socially acceptable albeit absolutely delusional, unrealistic over inflated sense of entitlement because actual laws existed to oppress and suppress any and all outside competition was EXCITING.”

Lady Gaga was (and hopefully is about to be once more) SO PRESSED THAT THERE WERE BLACK WOMEN IN THE SPACE SHE WAS TAUGHT WAS RESERVED FOR HER,” Azealia went on to write.

“Lmao sis saw that videophone remix video back and made a decision to never be upstaged by a black woman ever again in her life. LMAO Bey is lowkey laughing at how hard lady gage [sic] is going to seem as effortlessly talented as a true pop star (not a gluten free ace of base/overtly phony rgaybait catchphrase/ never once as hip or cool or versatile as Madonna now disillusioned and back at the whites only water fountain trying to pull a Shazam off and position herself in the minds of a mostly senile and fading consciousness’ of white baby boomers as a Liza Minelli [sic]/d Barbara streisand tribute act) should be. SHE WAS SO AFRAID OF NICKI NINAJ ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY.”

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