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Hillary Clinton's Released Emails Involve Fax Machine Issues & 'Twittering'

Hillary Clinton's Released Emails Involve Fax Machine Issues & 'Twittering'

A new batch of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton‘s emails were just released, and while nothing extremely damaging was revealed, the Internet can’t stop talking about some amusing exchanges she had years ago.

In one exchange on December 23, 2009, the 67-year-old politician’s assistant asked her to hang up a fax line so someone could call her.

“I thought it was supposed to be off hook to work?” Hillary wrote back, to which her assistant asked to her just do it again to “re-establish the line.”

“I did,” Hillary answered once again. “Just pick up phone and hang it up. And leave it hung up,” her assistant wrote back.

“I’ve done it twice now,” Hillary answered one more time. LOL!

Click inside to read more exchanges from Hillary Clinton’s emails…

One June 2009 email sent by one of her staffers expressed concern about who was “twittering” from Hillary’s Twitter account. “We should not be twittering in the Secretary’s name since she is not the person actually twittering. There is a reference in Newsweek to her twittering … Can you advise who is twittering in her name and how we can address?”

Hillary had a meeting with Santa…on July 6, 2009 (not on Christmas LOL): “I’m seeing Santa at 8:30 so won’t take off until closer to 9:30. Is that ok?”

Hillary almost camped out in President Obama’s office: “In thinking about the Kissinger interview, the only issue I think that might be raised is that I see POTUS at least once a week while K saw Nixon everyday. Of course, if I were dealing w that POTUS I’d probably camp in his office to prevent him from doing something problematic. Do you see this as a problem?”

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