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XXXTentacion Fans Can Attend Public Viewing in Florida

XXXTentacion Fans Can Attend Public Viewing in Florida

A public viewing and memorial for XXXTentacion, who was murdered this week at the age of 20, has been set and fans will be welcomed at the event.

The memorial will be held on Wednesday (June 27) at the BB&T Center in Sunrise, Fla. from 12pm to 6pm.

“Fan requests for a public viewing and memorial were overwhelming, we decided to have the memorial at one of [South] Florida’s largest stadiums so we can accommodate everyone,” A|K|W PR’s Aishah White told Billboard in a statement. “Fans will be able to view XXXTentacion’s body and pay final respects, we hope this will help fans find closure and begin the healing process.”

Fans will not be allowed to bring cell phones or cameras into the arena.

“No cellular devices or cameras will be allowed. Please leave them at home or in your vehicle. Any person found with any device of the sort will be immediately turned around at the gate or escorted out and will not be allowed back on the premises,” the invitation reads.

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