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'Price Is Right' Contestants Get Five $1.00 Spins in a Row, Break a Record! (Video)

Something happened on The Price is Right on Friday (September 22) that you have never seen before – five $1.00 spins were spun in a row and a record-breaking amount of money was given away!

Instead of the usual $1,000 bonus given when a contestant spins a dollar, host Drew Carey has been giving away $10,000 to celebrate his 10 years as host of the show.

All three of the contestants in the showdown spun a dollar and then they all got the chance to spin again for the bonus of $25,000 if they get a dollar again, or $10,000 for landing on the green spaces.

The first two contestants to go both spun $1.00 again, making the total prize money handed out $80,000!

'Price is Right' Model Manuela Arbelaez Gives a Car Away By Mistake - Watch Now!

Price is Right model Manuela Arbelaez accidentally made a big mistake when she gave away a $21,000 car to an undeserving contestant on the show on Thursday (April 2).

The contestant Andrea was given 3 chances to guess the price of the car, and before she could guess the correct cost, Manuela revealed the right answer. The Hyundai Sonata SE, worth $21,960, by default, was won by the contestant.

“Congratulations! Manuela just gave you a car! The game is over folks,” host Drew Carey said after the blunder. Manuela, who has been with the show for 6 years, felt so bad she went hiding right afterwards.

Click inside to read Manuela’s tweets about the incident…More Here! »

Price Is Right's George Gray Falls Off Treadmill During Show!

Something happened on today’s episode of The Price is Right that was definitely not planned… announcer George Gray fell off a treadmill while walking backwards on it!

The announcer was demonstrating the treadmill during a game of “Most Expensive” when he fell off, but he kept on talking as if nothing happened.

“Right before we go to commercial, I hope we have footage of George Gray flying off that treadmill,” host Drew Carey told the crowd, not knowing we already saw it happen.

Before the commercial break, they showed as the slow motion replay. Watch below!

The Price Is Right – George Falls Off A Treadmill