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Did Katy Perry Write Response to Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood'? She Answers Here...

Did Katy Perry Write Response to Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood'? She Answers Here...

Katy Perry was asked if her new album would have a response to “Bad Blood,” which is assumed to be about her ongoing feud with Taylor Swift.

The 32-year-old entertainer spoke with EW about her upcoming album (which does not yet have a title.) The mag asked, “Does this album have a reaction to ‘Bad Blood’?”

“Well that’s not my question to answer – if it’s about me. I think [my new album is] a very empowered record. There is no one thing that’s calling out any one person,” Katy said.

Click inside to read Katy Perry’s whole answer…

“One thing to note is: You can’t mistake kindness for weakness and don’t come for me. Anyone. Anyone. Anyone. Anyone. And that’s not to any one person and don’t quote me that it is, because it’s not. It’s not about that. Honestly, when women come together and they decide to unite, this world is going to be a better place. Period end of story. But, let me say this: Everything has a reaction or a consequence so don’t forget about that, okay, honey. [Laughs] We got to keep it real, honey. This record is not about anyone else! This record is about me being seen and heard so that I can see and hear everyone else! It’s not even about me! It’s about everything that I see out there that I digest. I think there’s a healing in it for me and vulnerability. If people want to connect and be healed and feel vulnerable and feel empowered and strong, God bless and here it is.”

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Katy Perry