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Bryan Cranston Imagines LBJ's Reaction to Donald Trump

Bryan Cranston Imagines LBJ's Reaction to Donald Trump

Bryan Cranston arrives at Cinemas Palme D’Or, the movie theater he owns, on Friday (May 27) in Palm Desert, Calif.

The 60-year-old Oscar-nominated actor, who played the role of former president Lyndon B. Johnson in the HBO movie All the Way, recently revealed what he thinks LBJ would think of Donald Trump.

“He’d say somethin’ like, ‘What the hell is goin’ on in Washington? This guy is gonna be the Republican leader? My God, things have changed since I’ve been here!’” Bryan told ABC News.

Bryan also talked about if there are parallels between the political landscape today and in the film.

“This presidential election is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. And talk about power: We have a power broker as the presumptive Republican presidential candidate who is devoid of substance, so he has power without substance,” Bryan said. “I will do everything in my power to make sure that he’s not the president.”

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Photos: AKM-GSI
Posted to: Bryan Cranston