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Julianne Hough Explains Her 'Perm-anent Solution'

Julianne Hough Explains Her 'Perm-anent Solution'

Julianne Hough bundles up as she arrives at her hotel on Wednesday (April 6) in New York City.

The 27-year-old actress revealed her new perm the week before, and took to her website to elaborate on why she went for permanent waves.

“The truth, as we know, is that falling somewhere between straight and curly takes a little more than a dip in the Pacific,” Julianne wrote. “There are heated tools and products involved. Ironically it takes some work to look effortless.”

Julianne added, “My get ready time has significantly decreased and I’ve never loved my beachy tresses any more than I do now.”

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Photos: AKM-GSI
Posted to: Julianne Hough